Stem N Schools

A Turnkey Solution for STEM Enrichment

STEM N SCHOOLS is redefining, growing, and blazing the trail in STEM education. Our comprehensive enrichment curriculum is designed to make integration easy for summer camps, after and before school programs, and STEM/STEAM Saturday workshops.

STEM N SCHOOLS Enrichment Curriculum offers additional opportunities for students to delve deeper into STEM subjects beyond the regular classroom setting. These programs can take place after school, on weekends, or during school breaks. The STEM N SCHOOLS Enrichment  includes exciting workshops, clubs, and projects that extend students’ knowledge and passion for STEM.

Extended Learning

The Enrichment Curriculum extends learning beyond the regular school day, providing students with extra time to explore STEM topics in-depth.

Specialized Workshops

Students have the chance to participate in specialized workshops and activities that cater to specific STEM interests.

Hands-On Projects

The curriculum includes hands-on projects and experiments, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios.

Enthusiast Communities

Enrichment programs foster communities of STEM enthusiasts, creating a supportive environment for shared interests.


Explore the possibilities with STEM N SCHOOLS – where learning meets innovation!